'isRTL' => $wp_locale->is_rtl() ); wp_localize_script( 'jquery-ui-datepicker', 'AviaDatepickerTranslation', $args ); add_action( 'wp_footer', array( $this, 'helper_print_datepicker_script' ), 99999999 ); } /** * */ public function helper_print_datepicker_script() { echo "\n\n"; } /** * The text method creates input elements with type checkbox, and prefills them with $_POST values if available. * The method also checks against various input validation cases * * @param string $id holds the key of the element * @param array $element data array of the element that should be created */ protected function checkbox( $id, array $element ) { $p_class = $required = $element_class = $checked = ''; if( ! empty( $element['av_contact_preselect'] ) ) { $checked = 'checked="checked"'; } else if( ! empty( $element['check'] ) ) { if( ! empty( $_POST[ $id ] ) ) { $checked = 'checked="checked"'; } $required = ' *'; $element_class = $element['check']; $p_class = $this->check_element( $id, $element ); } if( empty( $_POST[ $id ] ) ) { $_POST[ $id ] = 'false'; } $this->elements_html .= "

"; $this->elements_html .= ''; $this->elements_html .= '

'; } /** * The select method creates a dropdown element with type select, and prefills them with $_POST values if available. * The method also checks against various input validation cases * * @param string $id holds the key of the element * @param array $element data array of the element that should be created */ protected function select( $id, array $element ) { if( empty( $element['options'] ) ) { return; } if( ! is_array( $element['options'] ) ) { $element['options'] = str_replace( array( "\,", ',,' ), ",", $element['options'] ); $element['options'] = explode( ',', $element['options'] ); } $p_class = $required = $element_class = $prefilled_value = $select = $extra = ''; if( ! empty( $element['check'] ) ) { $extra = '*'; $required = ' *'; $element_class = $element['check']; $p_class = $this->check_element( $id, $element ); } if( isset($_POST[ $id ] ) ) { $prefilled_value = esc_html(urldecode( $_POST[ $id ] ) ); } else if( ! empty( $element['value'] ) ) { $prefilled_value = $element['value']; } if( $this->placeholder ) { $label = array( $element['label'].$extra.'|' ); $element['options'] = array_merge( $label, $element['options'] ); } foreach( $element['options'] as $option ) { $key = $value = trim( $option ); $suboptions = explode( '|', $option ); if( is_array( $suboptions ) && isset( $suboptions[1] ) ) { $key = trim( $suboptions[1] ); $value = trim( $suboptions[0] ); } $active = $value == $prefilled_value ? "selected='selected'" : ''; $select .= ""; } $multi = ''; if( ! empty( $element['multi_select'] ) ) { $multi = 'multiple'; $element_class .= ' av-multi-select'; } $this->elements_html .= "

"; $form_el = ''; $label = ''; if( $this->placeholder ) { // $label = ''; } if( isset( $this->form_params['label_first'] ) ) { $this->elements_html .= $label.$form_el; } else { $this->elements_html .= $form_el.$label; } $this->elements_html .= '

'; } /** * The textarea method creates textarea elements, and prefills them with $_POST values if available. * The method also checks against various input validation cases * * @param string $id holds the key of the element * @param array $element data array of the element that should be created */ protected function textarea( $id, array $element ) { $p_class = $required = $element_class = $value = $extra = ''; if( ! empty( $element['check'] ) ) { $extra = '*'; $required = ' *'; $element_class = $element['check']; $p_class = $this->check_element( $id, $element ); } if( isset( $_POST[ $id ] ) ) { $value = esc_html( urldecode( $_POST[ $id ] ) ); } else if( ! empty( $element['value'] ) ) { $value = $element['value']; } $label = ''; $placeholder = ''; if( $this->placeholder ) { // $label = ''; $placeholder = " placeholder='{$element['label']}{$extra}'" ; } $this->elements_html .= "

"; $this->elements_html .= $label; $this->elements_html .= ''; $this->elements_html .= '

'; } /** * The decoy method creates input elements with type text but with an extra class that hides them * The method is used to fool bots into filling the form element. Upon submission we check if the element contains any value, if so we dont submit the form * * @param string $id holds the key of the element * @param array $element data array of the element that should be created */ protected function decoy( $id, array $element ) { $p_class = $required = $element_class = ''; if( ! empty( $element['check'] ) ) { $this->check_element( $id, $element ); } $this->elements_html .= ''; } /** * Adds a Google reCAPTCHA div used by js to identify actions needed * * @since * @param string $id * @param array $element */ protected function grecaptcha( $id, array $element ) { if( ! isset( $element['context'] ) || 'av_contact_form' != $element['context'] ) { return; } if( Avia_Google_reCAPTCHA()->is_loading_prohibited() ) { return; } $element = shortcode_atts( array( 'class' => '', 'container_class' => '', 'custom_class' => '', 'context' => 'av_contact_form', 'token_input' => 'av_recaptcha_token', 'version' => '', 'theme' => '', 'size' => '', 'score' => '', 'text_to_preview' => false, 'value' => '' ), $element, 'google_recaptcha_form_params' ); if( '' == $element['theme'] ) { $element['theme'] = Avia_Google_reCAPTCHA()->get_theme(); } if( '' == $element['size'] ) { $element['size'] = 'normal'; } if( '' == $element['score'] ) { $element['score'] = Avia_Google_reCAPTCHA()->get_score(); } $data = ''; foreach( $element as $key => $value ) { if( in_array( $key , array( 'type', 'class' ) ) ) { continue; } $data .= ' data-' . $key . '="' . esc_attr( $value ) . '"'; } $output = ''; $output .= "
"; if( true === $element['text_to_preview'] ) { if( 'avia_recaptcha_v2' == $element['version'] ) { $image = AVIA_IMG_URL . "misc/grecaptcha-check-{$element['theme']}-{$element['size']}.png"; $title = __( 'A non functional image only preview for checkbox of Google reCAPTCHA', 'avia_framework' ); $alt = __( 'Checkbox for Google reCAPTCHA', 'avia_framework' ); $output .= "{$alt}"; } else if( 'avia_recaptcha_v3' == $element['version'] ) { $badge = Avia_Google_reCAPTCHA()->get_display_badge_html(); $badge = str_replace( 'hidden', '', $badge ); $this->button_html_after .= $badge; } } else { $output .= Avia_Google_reCAPTCHA()->get_display_badge_html(); } $output .= '
'; $this->elements_html .= $output; } /** * The captcha method creates input element that needs to be filled correctly to send the form * * @param string $id holds the key of the element * @param array $element data array of the element that should be created */ protected function captcha( $id, array $element ) { $p_class = $required = $element_class = $value = $valueVer = ''; if( ! empty( $element['check'] ) ) { $required = ' *'; $element_class = $element['check']; $p_class .= $this->check_element( $id, $element ); } $p_class .= ' ' . $this->auto_width() . ' ' . $element['class']; if( ! empty( $_POST[ $id ] ) ) { $value = esc_html( urldecode( $_POST[ $id ] ) ); } if( ! empty( $_POST[ $id . '_verifier' ] ) ) { $valueVer = esc_html( urldecode( $_POST[ $id . '_verifier' ] ) ); } if( ! $valueVer ) { $valueVer = str_replace( '0', '4', str_replace( '9', '7', rand( 123456789, 999999999 ) ) ); } $reverse = strrev( $valueVer ); $enter = $valueVer[ $reverse[0] ]; $number_1 = rand( 0, $enter ); $number_2 = $enter - $number_1; $this->elements_html .= "

"; $this->elements_html .= "{$number_1} + {$number_2} = ?"; $this->elements_html .= ''; $form_el = ''; $label = ''; if( isset( $this->form_params['label_first'] ) ) { $this->elements_html .= $label . $form_el; } else { $this->elements_html .= $form_el . $label; } $this->elements_html .= '

'; } /** * The hidden method creates input elements with type hidden, and prefills them with values if available. * * @param string $id holds the key of the element * @param array $element data array of the element that should be created */ protected function hidden( $id, array $element ) { $this->elements_html .= ''; } /** * Send the form * * The send method tries to send the form. It builds the necessary email and submits it via wp_mail * * @param array $self_instance deprecated ???? * @return boolean */ public function send( $self_instance ) { $new_post = array(); foreach( $_POST as $key => $post ) { $new_post[ str_replace( 'avia_', '', $key ) ] = $post; } $mymail = empty( $this->form_params['myemail'] ) ? $new_post['myemail'] : $this->form_params['myemail']; $myblogname = empty( $this->form_params['myblogname'] ) ? $new_post['myblogname'] : $this->form_params['myblogname']; if( empty( $new_post[ 'subject_' . $this->formID ] ) && ! empty( $this->form_params['subject'] ) ) { $new_post[ 'subject_' . $this->formID ] = $this->form_params['subject']; } $subject = empty( $new_post[ 'subject_'.$this->formID ] ) ? __( 'New Message', 'avia_framework' ) . ' (' . __( 'sent by contact form at', 'avia_framework' ) . ' ' . $myblogname . ')' : $new_post[ 'subject_' . $this->formID ]; $default_from = parse_url( home_url() ); /** * Hook to stop execution here and do something different with the data * Set $this->submit_error to display a custom submit message * * @used_by av_google_recaptcha 999999 * @since < 4.0 * @param boolean * @param array $new_post * @param array $form_params * @param avia_form $this * @return boolean|null null on submit error|false to stop sending */ $proceed = apply_filters( 'avf_form_send', true, $new_post, $this->form_params, $this ); if( ! $proceed ) { if( is_null( $proceed ) ) { return false; } else { return true; } } //set the email adress $from = 'no-reply@wp-message.com'; $usermail = false; if( ! empty( $default_from['host'] ) ) { $from = 'no-reply@' . $default_from['host']; } if( ! empty( $this->autoresponder[0] ) ) { $from = $_POST[ $this->autoresponder[0] ]; $usermail = true; } else { $email_variations = array( 'e-mail', 'email', 'mail' ); foreach( $email_variations as $key ) { foreach( $new_post as $current_key => $current_post ) { if( strpos( $current_key, $key ) !== false ) { $from = $new_post[ $current_key ]; $usermail = true; break; } } if( $usermail ) { break; } } } $to = urldecode( $mymail ); $delimiter = ( strpos( $to, ',' ) === false && strpos( $to, ' ' ) !== false ) ? ' ' : ','; $to = array_filter( array_map( 'trim', explode( $delimiter, $to ) ) ); $to = apply_filters( 'avf_form_sendto', $to, $new_post, $this->form_params ); $from = urldecode( $from ); $send_from = ! empty( $this->form_params['myfrom'] ) ? urldecode( $this->form_params['myfrom'] ) : $from; $from_filtered = apply_filters( 'avf_form_from', $send_from, $new_post, $this->form_params ); $subject = urldecode( $subject ); $subject = apply_filters( 'avf_form_subject', $subject, $new_post, $this->form_params ); $subject = htmlspecialchars_decode( $subject ); $message = ''; $iterations = 0; foreach( $this->form_elements as $key => $element ) { if( isset( $element['id'] ) ) { $key = $element['id']; } $key = avia_backend_safe_string( $key, '_', true ); if( empty( $key ) || ! empty( $this->form_params['numeric_names'] ) ) { $iterations ++; $key = $iterations; } // substract 5 characters from the string length because we removed the avia_ prefix with 5 characters at the beginning of the send() function $key = avia_backend_truncate( $key, $this->length - 5, '_', '', false, '', false ); $key .= $this->id_sufix; // add other elements with static content if( 'empty_line' == $element['type'] ) { if( ! ( isset( $element['element_display'] ) && 'frontend' == $element['element_display'] ) ) { $new_post[ $key ] = 'xxx'; } } if( 'headline' == $element['type'] ) { if( ! ( isset( $element['element_display'] ) && 'frontend' == $element['element_display'] ) ) { $new_post[ $key ] = $element['label']; } } if( ! empty( $new_post[ $key ] ) ) { if( $element['type'] != 'hidden' && $element['type'] != 'decoy' ) { $form_field = ''; $label = trim( $element['label'] ) != '' ? $element['label'] . ': ' : ''; if( $element['type'] == 'textarea' ) { $form_field .= '
'; if( ! empty( $label ) ) { $form_field .= $label . '
'; $label = ''; } } /** * @since 4.8.7 * @param string $label * @param array $new_post * @param array $this->form_elements * @param array $this->form_params * @param array $element * @param string $key * @return string */ $label = apply_filters( 'avf_form_mail_label', $label, $new_post, $this->form_elements, $this->form_params, $element, $key ); /** * @since ??? * @param string $field_value * @param array $new_post * @param array $this->form_elements * @param array $this->form_params * @param array $element * @param string $key * @return string */ $field_value = apply_filters( 'avf_form_mail_field_values', nl2br( urldecode( $new_post[ $key ] ) ), $new_post, $this->form_elements, $this->form_params, $element, $key ); if( 'empty_line' == $element['type'] ) { $form_field .= '
'; } else if( 'headline' == $element['type'] ) { $form_field .= "<{$element['headline_tag']}>{$field_value}"; } else { $form_field .= $label . $field_value . '
'; } if( $element['type'] == 'textarea' ) { $form_field .= '
'; } $message .= apply_filters( 'avf_form_mail_form_field', $form_field, $new_post, $this->form_elements, $this->form_params, $element, $key, $field_value ); } } } $use_wpmail = apply_filters( 'avf_form_use_wpmail', true, $new_post, $this->form_params ); $mail_array = array(); // $header_array['MIME-Version'] = '1.0'; $mail_array['Content-type'] = 'text/html; charset=utf-8'; if( $use_wpmail ) { $mail_array['From'] = "{$from_filtered} <{$from_filtered}>"; } else { $mail_array['From'] = $from_filtered; } if( $usermail ) { $mail_array['Reply-To'] = $from; } $mail_array['To'] = $to; $mail_array['Subject'] = $subject; $mail_array['Message'] = stripslashes( $message ); /** * Allows bulk changing of mail content * * @since 4.6.4 * @param array $header_array * @param array $new_post * @param array $this->form_params * @param avia_form $this * @param string $from * @param string $from_filtered * @return array */ $mail_array = apply_filters( 'avf_contact_form_incoming_mail', $mail_array, $new_post, $this->form_params, $this, $from, $from_filtered ); /** * For backwards comp. we extract again and call deprecated filters - can be removed in future versions */ if( isset( $mail_array['To'] ) ) { $to = $mail_array['To']; } if( isset( $mail_array['Message'] ) ) { $message = $mail_array['Message']; } /** * Add keys to remove from $mail_array when forming the header string * * @since 4.6.4 * @param array * @param string $context * @return array */ $skip_mail_array_keys = apply_filters( 'avf_skip_mail_header_keys', array( 'To', 'Subject', 'Message' ), 'incoming_mail' ); $header = ''; foreach( $mail_array as $header_key => $header_value ) { if( in_array( $header_key, $skip_mail_array_keys ) ) { continue; } $header .= $header_key . ': ' . $header_value . " \r\n"; } $header = apply_filters_deprecated( 'avf_form_mail_header', array( $header, $new_post, $this->form_params, $from, $from_filtered ), '4.6.4', 'avf_contact_form_incoming_mail', __( 'Allows stack modifications', 'avia_framework' ) ); $mail_array['To'] = apply_filters_deprecated( 'avf_form_copy', array( $to, $new_post, $this->form_params ), '4.6.4', 'avf_contact_form_incoming_mail', __( 'Allows stack modifications', 'avia_framework' ) ); $mail_array['Message'] = apply_filters_deprecated( 'avf_form_message', array( $message, $new_post, $this->form_params ), '4.6.4', 'avf_contact_form_incoming_mail', __( 'Allows stack modifications', 'avia_framework' ) ); foreach( $mail_array['To'] as $send_to_mail ) { //if a demo email is mistakenly used change it to the admin url if( strpos( $send_to_mail, '@kriesi.at' ) !== false && isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ) && $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] != 'www.kriesi.at' ) { if( ! defined( 'AV_TESTSERVER' ) ) { $send_to_mail = get_option( 'admin_email' ); } } if( $use_wpmail ) { wp_mail( $send_to_mail, $mail_array['Subject'], $mail_array['Message'], $header ); } else { mail( $send_to_mail, $mail_array['Subject'], $mail_array['Message'], $header ); } } /** * Allow to add a custom autoresponder - must return complete HTML. * The returned string is packed in a div and only HTML structure of string is validated. * * @since v4.0.6 */ $custom_autoresponder = apply_filters( 'avf_form_custom_autoresponder', '', $message, $this, $new_post ); if( $usermail && ( ! empty( $this->form_params['autoresponder'] ) || ! empty( $custom_autoresponder ) ) ) { $mail_array = array(); // $header_array['MIME-Version'] = '1.0'; $mail_array['Content-type'] = 'text/html; charset=utf-8'; $delimiter = ( strpos( $this->form_params['autoresponder_email'], ',' ) === false && strpos( $this->form_params['autoresponder_email'], ' ' ) !== false ) ? ' ' : ','; $autoresponder_email = array_filter( array_map( 'trim', explode( $delimiter, $this->form_params['autoresponder_email'] ) ) ); if( is_array( $autoresponder_email ) ) { $autoresponder_email = $autoresponder_email[0]; } /** * @since 4.4.2 */ $autoresponder_email = apply_filters_deprecated( 'avf_form_autoresponder_email_from', array( $autoresponder_email, $new_post, $this->form_params ), '4.6.4', 'avf_contact_form_autoresponder_mail', __( 'Allows stack modifications', 'avia_framework' ) ); /** * @since */ $from_prefix = get_bloginfo( 'name' ); $from_prefix = apply_filters( 'avf_form_autoresponder_email_from_prefix', $from_prefix, $new_post, $this->form_params ); $from_prefix = htmlspecialchars_decode( $from_prefix ); if( $use_wpmail ) { $auto_from = "{$from_prefix} <" . urldecode( $autoresponder_email ) . '>'; } else { $auto_from = urldecode( $autoresponder_email ); } $mail_array['From'] = $auto_from; if( ! empty( $this->form_params['autoresponder_reply_to'] ) ) { $mail_array['Reply-To'] = $this->form_params['autoresponder_reply_to']; } /** * @since 4.4.2 */ $autoresponder_to = $from; $autoresponder_to = apply_filters_deprecated( 'avf_form_autoresponder_from', array( $autoresponder_to, $new_post, $this->form_params ), '4.4.2', 'avf_form_autoresponder_to', __( 'Inconsistent usage of filter name.', 'avia_framework' ) ); $mail_array['To'] = apply_filters_deprecated( 'avf_form_autoresponder_to', array( $autoresponder_to, $new_post, $this->form_params ), '4.6.4', 'avf_contact_form_autoresponder_mail', __( 'Allows stack modifications', 'avia_framework' ) ); $mail_array['Subject'] = $this->form_params['autoresponder_subject']; if( ! empty( $custom_autoresponder ) ) { $message = '
' . wp_kses_post( balanceTags( $custom_autoresponder, true ) ) . '
'; } else { $mess = nl2br( $this->form_params['autoresponder'] ); $mess .= '

' . __( 'Your Message:','avia_framework' ) . '

'; $mess .= $message; if( ! empty( $this->form_params['autoresponder_after'] ) ) { $mess .= '
'; $mess .= nl2br( $this->form_params['autoresponder_after'] ) . '

'; } $message = apply_filters_deprecated( 'avf_form_autorespondermessage', array( $mess ), '4.6.4', 'avf_contact_form_autoresponder_mail', __( 'Allows stack modifications', 'avia_framework' ) ); } $mail_array['Message'] = $message; /** * Allows bulk changing of mail content * * @since 4.6.4 * @param array $header_array * @param array $new_post * @param array $this->form_params * @param avia_form $this * @return array */ $mail_array = apply_filters( 'avf_contact_form_autoresponder_mail', $mail_array, $new_post, $this->form_params, $this ); /** * Add keys to remove from $mail_array when forming the header string * * @since 4.6.4 * @param array * @param string $context * @return array */ $skip_mail_array_keys = apply_filters( 'avf_skip_mail_header_keys', array( 'To', 'Subject', 'Message' ), 'autoresponder_mail' ); $header = ''; foreach( $mail_array as $header_key => $header_value ) { if( in_array( $header_key, $skip_mail_array_keys ) ) { continue; } $header .= $header_key . ': ' . $header_value . " \r\n"; } if( $use_wpmail ) { wp_mail( $mail_array['To'], $mail_array['Subject'], $mail_array['Message'], $header ); } else { mail( $mail_array['To'], $mail_array['Subject'], $mail_array['Message'], $header ); } } unset( $_POST ); return true; //return wp_mail( $to, $subject, $message , $header); } /** * Check the value of an element * The check_element method creates checks if the submitted value of a post element is valid * * @param string $id holds the key of the element * @param array $element data array of the element that should be created * @return string 'valid' | 'error' */ protected function check_element( $id, array $element ) { if( isset( $_POST ) && count( $_POST ) && isset( $_POST[ $id ] ) && $this->do_checks ) { switch( $element['check'] ) { case 'is_empty': if( ! empty( $_POST[ $id ] ) || $_POST[ $id ] === '0' ) { return 'valid'; } break; case 'must_empty': if( isset( $_POST[ $id ] ) && $_POST[ $id ] == '') { return 'valid'; } break; case 'is_email': $this->autoresponder[] = $id; if( preg_match( "!^[\w|\.|\-]+@\w[\w|\.|\-]*\.[a-zA-Z]{2,20}$!", urldecode( $_POST[ $id ] ) ) ) { return 'valid'; } break; case 'is_ext_email': $this->autoresponder[] = $id; if( preg_match( "!^[\w\.\-ÄÖÜäöü]+@\w[\w\.\-ÄÖÜäöü]*\.[a-zA-Z]{2,20}$!", urldecode( $_POST[ $id ] ) ) ) { return 'valid'; } break; case 'is_special_email': $this->autoresponder[] = $id; /** * see https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-Mail-Adresse#Der_Lokalteil_(Local_Part) */ if( preg_match( "/^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\-\/=?^_`{|}~ÄÖÜäöü]+@\w[\w\.\-ÄÖÜäöü]*\.[a-zA-Z]{2,20}$/", urldecode( $_POST[ $id ] ) ) ) { return 'valid'; } break; case 'is_number': if( preg_match("!^-?\s*(0|[1-9]\d*)([\.,]\d+)?$!", urldecode( $_POST[ $id ] ) ) ) { return 'valid'; } break; case 'is_positiv_number': if( preg_match( "!^[0-9]\d*([\.|\,]\d+)?$!", urldecode( $_POST[ $id ] ) ) ) { return 'valid'; } break; case 'is_phone': if( preg_match( "!^(\d|\s|\-|\/|\(|\)|\[|\]|e|x|t|ension|\.|\+|\_|\,|\:|\;){3,}$!", urldecode( $_POST[ $id ] ) ) ) { return 'valid'; } break; case 'is_url': if( preg_match( "!^(https?|ftp)://(-\.)?([^\s/?\.#-]+\.?)+(/[^\s]*)?$!", urldecode( $_POST[ $id ] ) ) ) { return 'valid'; } break; case 'captcha': $ver = $_POST[ $id . '_verifier' ]; $reverse = strrev( $ver ); if( $ver[ $reverse[0] ] == $_POST[ $id ] ) { unset( $_POST[ $id ], $_POST[ $id . '_verifier'] ); return 'valid'; } break; } //end switch $this->submit_form = false; $this->validation_error = true; return 'error'; } } } } {"id":21163,"date":"2024-03-13T03:01:22","date_gmt":"2024-03-13T03:01:22","guid":{"rendered":""},"modified":"-0001-11-30T00:00:00","modified_gmt":"-0001-11-29T22:00:00","slug":"wptglobal-casino-review-nederland","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.collotzienenbeleven.nl\/wptglobal-casino-review-nederland\/","title":{"rendered":"Wptglobal Casino Review Nederland"},"content":{"rendered":"

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