ges.php' ); /** * This file holds the class that supports responsive images */ require( AVIA_PHP . 'class-responsive-images.php' ); /** * This file holds a function set for commonly used operations done by the frameworks frontend */ require( AVIA_PHP.'function-set-avia-frontend.php' ); /** * This file holds the class that improves the menu with megamenu capabilities */ require( AVIA_PHP.'class-megamenu.php' ); /** * This file holds the function that creates the shortcodes within the backend */ require( AVIA_PHP.'avia_shortcodes/shortcodes.php' ); /** * This file holds the class that creates various styles for the frontend that are set within the backend */ require( AVIA_PHP.'class-style-generator.php' ); /** * This file holds the class that creates forms based on option arrays */ require( AVIA_PHP.'class-form-generator.php' ); /** * The google maps api source and key check (backend) */ require( AVIA_PHP.'class-gmaps.php' ); /** * The google reCAPTCHA api source */ require( AVIA_PHP.'class-grecaptcha.php' ); /** * This file holds the class that creates several framework specific widgets */ require( AVIA_PHP.'class-framework-widgets.php' ); /** * Kept for backwards compatibility - will be removed in a future version * * @deprecated 4.8.2 */ require( AVIA_PHP . 'class-breadcrumb-legacy.php' ); /** * Support for breadcrumbs */ require( AVIA_PHP . 'class-breadcrumb-trail.php' ); /** * Query filter for post types and other stuff */ require( AVIA_PHP.'class-queryfilter.php' ); /** * This file loads the classs necessary for dynamic sidebars */ require( AVIA_PHP.'class-sidebar-generator.php' ); /** * These files load the classes necessary to manage type fonts (and icon fonts in future releases) */ require( AVIA_PHP . 'font-management/class-avia-font-management-base.php' ); require( AVIA_PHP . 'font-management/class-avia-type-fonts.php' ); //require( AVIA_PHP.'font-management/class-avia-icon-fonts.php' ); if(is_admin()) { // Load script that are needed for the backend /** * This file holds a function set for ajax operations done by the framework */ require( AVIA_PHP.'function-set-avia-ajax.php' ); /** * The adminpage class creates the option page menu items */ require( AVIA_PHP.'class-adminpages.php' ); /** * The metabox class creates meta boxes for single posts, pages and other custom post types */ require( AVIA_PHP.'class-metabox.php' ); /** * The htmlhelper class is needed to render the options defined in the config files */ require( AVIA_PHP.'class-htmlhelper.php' ); /** * This file improves the media uploader so it can be used within the framework */ require( AVIA_PHP.'class-media.php' ); /** * This file loads the option set class to create new backend options on the fly */ require( AVIA_PHP.'class-database-option-sets.php' ); /** * This file loads the option set class to create new backend options on the fly */ require( AVIA_PHP.'wordpress-importer/avia-export-class.php' ); /** * This file loads the class responsible for one click theme updates */ require( AVIA_PHP.'auto-updates/auto-updates.php' ); /** * This file loads the option set class to create new backend options on the fly */ require( AVIA_PHP.'class-update-notifier.php' ); } if( ! defined('THEMENAMECLEAN' ) ) { define( 'THEMENAMECLEAN', avia_clean_string($avia_base_data['Title']) ); }