s' => $meta['heading_class'] ); $extra_args = array( $this, 'slider_entry' ); /** * @since 4.5.5 * @return array */ $args = apply_filters( 'avf_customize_heading_settings', $args, __CLASS__, $extra_args ); $heading1 = ! empty( $args['heading'] ) ? $args['heading'] : $default_heading; $css = ! empty( $args['extra_class'] ) ? $args['extra_class'] : $meta['heading_class']; $output .= ! empty( $title ) ? "<{$heading1} class='slide-entry-title entry-title {$css}' $markup>" : ''; $output .= ( ! empty( $link ) && ! empty( $title ) ) ? "" . $title . '' : $title; $output .= ! empty( $title ) ? "" : ''; $markup = avia_markup_helper( array( 'context' => 'entry_content', 'echo' => false, 'custom_markup' => $custom_markup ) ); $output .= ! empty( $value['content'] ) ? "
" . ShortcodeHelper::avia_apply_autop( ShortcodeHelper::avia_remove_autop( $value['content'] ) ) . '
' : ''; $output .= ''; $loop_counter ++; $slide_loop_count ++; $extraClass = ''; if( $loop_counter > $columns ) { $loop_counter = 1; $extraClass = 'first'; } if( $loop_counter == 1 || ! empty( $last ) ) { $output .= ''; } } $output .= ''; $output .= ''; return $output; } /** * Create arrows to scroll content slides * * @since 4.8.3 reroute to aviaFrontTemplates * @return string */ protected function slide_navigation_arrows() { $args = array( 'context' => get_class(), 'params' => $this->config ); return aviaFrontTemplates::slide_navigation_arrows( $args ); } /** * * @return string */ protected function slide_navigation_dots() { $args = array( 'total_entries' => count( $this->config['content'] ), 'container_entries' => $this->config['columns'], 'context' => get_class(), 'params' => $this ); return aviaFrontTemplates::slide_navigation_dots( $args ); } } }